
2025 Parade Participation Contract

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THIS PARADE PARTICIPATION CONTRACT (the "Contract") is hereby entered into by and between the Newport Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, a Rhode Island non-profit corporation with its principal office located at 34 Norman Street, Newport, Rhode Island 02840 (the “Committee"), and:


whose address is

(the “Parade Group”).

In consideration for the Committee permitting the Parade Group as an independent contractor to participate in the 2024 Newport Saint Patrick’s Day Parade and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by all parties, the Parade Group and the Committee hereby agree as follows:

  1. Definitions:
    1. Parade Group - shall mean and include the organization submitting this application and all its members,parade participants, volunteers and guests.
    2. Parade Official - shall mean any person authorized by the Newport Saint Patrick’s Day Parade CommitteeInc. to assist in the supervision and operation of the Parade.
    3. Committee – shall mean the Newport Saint Patrick’s Day Parade.
  2. Authority of Parade Officials: Parade Officials shall have the authority to supervisor and direct the activities ofall Parade Groups. All Parade Groups must follow all directions and instructions given by Parade Officials. TheParade Group acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Parade Rules contained in the parade application and agrees toabide by all rules therein. Decisions on the application and interpretation of Parade Rules are in the exclusive purviewof Parade Officials.
  3. Certification of Authority by The Parade Group: The Parade Group certifies that it has obtained authority fromeach of its members, parade participants, volunteers and guests to enter into the terms of this contract on their behalfand to bind each and all of them hereunder and the Parade Group further agrees to inform and require adherence byeach of them to the terms of this contract and the parade rules contained in the parade application.
  4. Parade Group Advertising: The Parade Group agrees to pay a $300 fee prior to the Parade for each commercialadvertisement it displays in any way at any time during the parade. This fee applies separately for each commercialadvertisement including any business logo or name displayed. Questions concerning advertisements should bedirected to Parade Officials prior to the parade. Parade Officials reserve the right to reject and prohibit anyadvertisement, sign, banner or display of any kind from the parade.
  5. Exclusivity: The local businesses that support the parade make it possible to hire groups that perform or appear inthe parade. Therefore, the Parade Group, as further consideration, grants the Committee the exclusive rights to itsperformances and appearances as follows:
    1. The Parade Group agrees not to perform in any manner and/or appear in uniform within a two-mile radius of the Parade Route for a period of twelve hours before the start and twelve hours after the conclusion of the parade, at any commercial venue which doesn’t have a Newport Saint Patrick’s Day Parade support poster displayed in the business. Groups found to be performing or appearing at such places not displaying a parade support poster shall forfeit from their contracted compensation, the cost of a parade support poster (1/2 page) for each venue at which they perform or appear in uniform. A copy of our support poster can be viewed on our website.
  6. Placement of Position in Parade: The Parade Group shall be assigned a position in the parade by ParadeOfficials. Parade Groups must march in their assigned parade position. Late arrivals will be placed in the last divisionof the parade.
  7. Parade Pace: Parade Groups are not allowed to stop and perform anywhere along the parade route (unless it is anofficial parade rest stop) if such stop or performance in any way disrupts the flow of the parade. All Groups mustinsure they are keeping pace with the Parade Group ahead of them and there are not unreasonable gaps which interruptthe flow of the parade.
  8. Supervision of Children: Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied and directly supervised by are responsible adult at all times.