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Robert J. Sullivan

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee is please to announce the selection of Robert J. Sullivan as Grand Marshal of the 41 st Annual march in honor of St. Patrick.

Better know as “Radio Bob” to some, he was born in 1949 to James J. and Ruth C. Sullivan of Newport. (Some older Newporters may remember Bob’s grandfather “The Sheek”). Growing up on Coggeshall Avenue in the famed 5 th Ward, Bob attended both Sheffield and Carey schools during his elementary days, while moving up town to Thompson Junior High and then back down town to Rogers High School on Wickham Road.

After his high school days, he traveled across the bay to the University of Rhode Island where he studied journalism. His obvious love of the field brought him to the WADK studios in 1972, where he began working part time covering both Middletown and Portsmouth council meetings.

In 1983 he broke onto the radio waves by inheriting the “Open Forum” call-in show from Francis “Sully” Sullivan. He continues today as host of this broadcast, ever Monday thru Friday at 12:30 p.m.

Bob is well known for his unique interest in our city, both politically as well as historically. All this aside, he is probably best known for his quick wit and wonderful sense of humor. We are very honored to have Bob as Grand Marshal of this years parade on the 15 th. May many Irish eyes be smiling for him on this great day.