Ad Specifications

Dear Business Owner:

 On Saturday March 15, 2025 Newport will have its 69th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. This year’s Grand Marshal is Michael Henlyshyn a Parade Committee member and active member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. The Parade is dedicated to late Jack Kane. Jack was a member of the Newport Fire Department and also a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. He was very active in the City.

 The parade is a popular community event. It has won Newport Life’s Best Annual Event. People from throughout New England come each year to see the parade. A local news paper named it one of the top 10 reasons why it is great to live in Newport. Even Yankee magazine has advertised the parade. Many people that come to see the parade often stay for three days, Friday thru Sunday. During their stay, they eat at our local restaurants, stay in our local hotels and shop at our local stores, which boost the local economy during the often slow winter months.

 As you can imagine, this event is a great financial endeavor. All the bands charge a fee to appear in the parade, even the local high school bands. For the past 68 years, the parade committee, composed entirely of volunteers, has worked tirelessly to raise the needed funds. Selling advertising in the parade bulletin raises the majority of our funds. All the money raised goes toward paying for the parade. We are able to contract bands according to what we estimate we will raise. We appreciate your help in continuing this time honored Newport tradition. We have had the added expense of signage, commuter parking with buses, and porta-potties; in our effort to make the event more family friendly. We want to continue making this event family friendly.

 We ask that you please consider advertising in our parade bulletin or donating to the parade committee. We hope to continue organizing a high-quality parade just as we have in past years. Feel free to call with any questions you may have regarding the parade (401)846-5081.

Thank you, may St. Patrick watch over you.
The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee


Pages in the Booklet are 8 ½ by 11.

Ad Layout:

  • Full Page: 7.5 x 10
  • 1/2 Page: 7.5 x 4.75
  • 1/4 Page: 3.5 x 4.75

Ad submission Requirements:

  • ALL Logos and Pictures should be submitted in JPG Format – 300 dpi
  • All text can be submitted in Word Format
  • Pre Made Ads can be submitted in PDF Format in Black and White – 300 dpi Printers email ATTN JIM

Alternate Emails:

Parade Booklet Order Form

Newport St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee
P.O. Box 1404
Newport, RI 02840


Advertising Contract


I, the undersigned, do hereby agree to advertise in the Newport St. Patrick's Day Parade Booklet, as follows:

Ad Size:(Required)
Inside Covers / center @ $350.00 are SOLD OUT

Order by mail

Mail payments to:

Newport St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee
P.O. Box 1404
Newport, RI 02840